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Artificial Intelligence (AI) Impact Workshop/Assessment

Five Opportunities releases General AI and Microsoft COPILOT Artificial Intelligence (AI) IMPACT Workshop and Assessment. Artificial Intelligence (AI) IMPACT Workshop or Assessment Everyone wants to know more about the Artificial Intelligence (AI) movement and how it can impact their individual business.  The best way to find out [...]

Five Opportunities releases Data Opportunities Initiative

Create a data breeding ground for data opportunities Provide executive management with a continuous supply of data automation opportunities and let them decide what piques their interest or compliments their agendas and direction. Keep placing data opportunities under the noses of executives. Five Opportunities answer for CDAO’s determined to extend [...]

Five Opportunities releases Data Effectiveness Report for Executives

Five Opportunities LLC releases their newest Discovery Resource, the Data Effectiveness Report for Executives. Interested in how your company can be more effective at leveraging data to save time, increase revenue, and reduce costs? Five Opportunities LLC has released their most recent data discovery resource. A Personalized Data Effectiveness Report for [...]

5-steps to Play Catch-up with the Data Automation Movement

5-steps to Play Catch-up with the Data Automation Movement. Top level executives need to own the data charge, step up to the data plate and knock it out of the park, like the #4 batter should. Over the past few years, the data automation industry has passed many by. But it is [...]

Support to Strategy and Digital Transformation Strategy In-person courses scheduled

In-person courses scheduled and registration open for Support to Strategy Initiative and Digital Transformation Strategy. FIVE OPPORTUNITIES IN-PERSON COURSES SCHEDULED. Five Opportunities LLC has released dates for their in-person technology courses and registration is open. Digital Transformation Strategy is focused on learning to leverage “Data as the New Technology”. The Support to Strategy [...]

New Digital Transformation and Support to Strategy Courses released and scheduled

New Digital Transformation Course and Support to Strategy Courses Released and Scheduled Five Opportunities LLC has released their most recent Digital Transformation and Support to Strategy technology courses. FIVE OPPORTUNITIES NEW EDUCTION COURSES RELEASED AND SCHEDULED.Five Opportunities LLC has released their most recent technology courses. The first is focused [...]

Education with a Purpose

Education with a Purpose Five Opportunities Education with a Purpose Courses and Workshops deliver general business and interpersonal skills to enhance employee effectiveness both in and out of the workplace. Driving activity, generating opportunities and increasing revenue for the entire organization are at the core, no matter the topic. "Every employee is [...]

CIO & IT Leaders – What will corporate be adding to your IT Responsibility plate next?

CIO's and IT LEADERS - Are you ready for the new wave of IT responsibilities coming your way? It has been happening for decades and another twist is right around the corner. I began my technology journey as an IT Engineer decades ago. And since have walked together with many IT [...]

Five Steps to a Fulfilling Year – Soft Skills Workshop Preview

Five Steps to a Fulfilling Year Take those first steps towards success. Because every step you take will bring you closer to your goals and dreams. Check out a sneak peek into one of the many Workshops in our Soft Skills Library. Follow this link to view ⇒ [...]

Support to Strategy Workshop

Support to Strategy Workshop Transitioning technical employees perspective from Support to Strategy and IT Departments from a Cost Center to a Profit Center. Shifting an Information Technology (IT) group from Support to Strategy does not have to be as challenging as it may seem. Information Technology (IT) departments have [...]

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