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Education with a Purpose

Education with a Purpose Five Opportunities Education with a Purpose Courses and Workshops deliver general business and interpersonal skills to enhance employee effectiveness both in and out of the workplace. Driving activity, generating opportunities and increasing revenue for the entire organization are at the core, no matter the topic. "Every employee is [...]

Personalized Soft Skills with a Purpose – New Course and Workshops Release

Five Opportunities is excited announce the release of our Personalized Soft Skills with a Purpose Course and Workshops. Ideal for Any and Every Employee from ALL Departments. Five Opportunities Soft Skills Workshops deliver interpersonal skills to enhance employee effectiveness both in and out of the workplace. Combine the Soft Skills with a Purpose course [...]

2020-12-23T17:06:14+00:00By |Soft Skills|0 Comments

Five Steps to a Fulfilling Year – Soft Skills Workshop Preview

Five Steps to a Fulfilling Year Take those first steps towards success. Because every step you take will bring you closer to your goals and dreams. Check out a sneak peek into one of the many Workshops in our Soft Skills Library. Follow this link to view ⇒ [...]

Digital Transformation and Why Should You Care

Digital Transformation and Why Should You Care Digital Transformation is something different to everyone. Answers will vary greatly depending on who you are speaking with and their individual background. The question of Digital Transformation returns similar results when asking about “the cloud.” Everyone has a different answer but the same parallel can be applied, [...]

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