Top-8 Sales Skills of a Five Opportunities Advocate

If we had to pick the top Five Opportunities Advocate sales skills, topics, or subjects that will guarantee a consistent and effective sales career, our list would consist of the following eight items, which by the way, are the core of our Straight Forward Sales Skills workshop. Each topic is applicable for any and all experience levels.

1.) It’s ALL about the Opportunities!

Multiple Opportunities within every customer and prospect.  If there is one action you could take to guarantee success, it would be this.


2.) The Three Questions every salesperson should answer at the beginning of every call or conversation.

Who am I?

Where am I from?

What do I want?


3.) At the conclusion of every meeting, your prospect should “Ask You for Pricing or Information” without you asking first.

Better for your prospect asking you to do something for them, than you asking for something from your prospect, or telling them, what they need to do.


4.) Effective Storytelling and Picture Painting will do the selling for you.

One skill anyone can master and will never fail you no matter your experience level; telling stories and painting pictures.


5.) Utilize both Open-ended questions and Closed-ended questions during your conversations.

Be purposeful when communicating, and leverage open and close ended questioning to position your products and solutions effectively.


6.) The Best way to deal with an initial objection is to simply ignore it.

If the objection is really important they will ask again.


7.) Listen to Gather Intelligence.

The more time we spend listening, the more valuable information we will gather.  The more valuable the information, the more effective we will be at our jobs.


8.) Soliciting Is Not Forever!

If you are consistent you can catch, overtake and nearly eliminate the soliciting mantra.


When all else fails resort back to #1, because when you place identifying, generating, and leveraging multiple opportunities within every customer and prospect first and foremost, driving crazy revenue becomes a natural and organic outcome and result.


Happy Selling!


Learn more about the Five Opportunities Straight Forward Sales skills on our Advocate Portal.  If you are not a member of the Five Opportunities Advocate Program, sign-up is quick and easy to begin receiving professional training and education delivered right to your electronic doorstep.