Support to Strategy Initiative Course Description of Exercises

Practical applications are important for retention and relevant exercises will send you back to your office with a list of applicable and immediate action items.

Practical applications are important for retention. I get asked “What are the benefits of the Support to Strategy Initiative course?” Three hours just scratches the surface, but relevant exercises will send you back to your office with a list of applicable and immediate action items.

To follow are the exercises you will experience in the Support to Strategy Initiative Course.

#1) Incorporating Business Strategy Into Your Job Responsibilities

This initial exercise is to help technical leaders understand how to begin Incorporating business strategy into their job responsibilities. We take one current and one future project and identify the impact across both internal and external supply chain. The takeaway is beginning to incorporate business strategy into all your thinking and decision-making processes.

#2) Beginning The Cost Center To Profit Center Transition

The first portion of exercise #2 is making the cost center to profit center transition a reality while examining the value and overall benefits. It is all about, “HOW CAN WE make this transition happen?” not “why you can’t.”

The second section is centered on applying a Cost Center to Profit Center Transition concept to your current business and department. We uncover the areas of your business that will highlight and accelerate a Cost Center to Profit Center transition.

#3) Identifying Revenue Opportunities For Your Organization

The purpose of exercise #3 is to identify revenue opportunities for your organization. Generating revenue from a corporate strategy perspective including your specific department. The take home is freshly identified revenue and profitability opportunities that can be shared and acted upon immediately.

#4) Establishing And Driving A Data-First Mentality

Acknowledge that “Data is the New Technology.” Look to “Data-first” in everything and be the data change agent. The objective of this exercise is to identify the steps to take for your organization to establish and maintain a continuous data-driven mentality.

#5) Developing a Next Generation Technology Team

How will your department function like a Next Generation Business? If data is the new technology, how should your future team look? What responsibilities do you feel might not be as relevant and which positions will play a much larger role moving forward? For the exercise we will examine these topics and a few more that will help any leader begin shaping their department for future success.

Hands-on, practical application exercises are at the center of the Support to Strategy Initiative. Be prepared to be forced outside your comfort zone and change the way you think about technology moving forward. Then leverage all this knowledge to elevate your career and brand.