sales and marketing benefit infograph


There has been extensive research concluding that proper alignment of your sales and marketing departments will result in INCREASE.

Substantial INCREASE of annual revenue growth rate

INCREASE of quality leads

INCREASE of close ratios for marketing generated leads

INCREASE in long term revenue opportunities

INCREASED communications between the top two revenue generating departments

INCREASED cooperation and teamwork between sales and marketing

INCREASED quality of sales and marketing analytics

INCREASE of messaging consistency

INCREASE of predictable campaign outcomes and results

INCREASED pipeline


However, to have this alignment become permanent and successful, there are two factors that must be in place.

1.) Common Revenue Goal – Sales and marketing must establish and work together from a common revenue goal.

2.) Common Model, Platform and Opportunity Definitions – There needs to be a “common ground” for both sales and marketing to base their efforts and alignment.

Once these two factors are in-place, the journey to sales and marketing alignment will be smooth sailing. Long live smarketing!

Sales and marketing alignment is just another one of the natural and organic results of leveraging the Five Opportunities model and methodology.  Simply placing sales activity and opportunities first, becomes the platform and foundation required to properly align your sales and marketing departments. Include a common revenue goal to rally around, and expect INCREASE.

Learn more about the benefits of Smarketing on our Advocate Portal.  If you are not a member of the Five Opportunities Advocate Program, sign-up is quick and easy to begin receiving professional training and education delivered right to your electronic doorstep.

Happy Selling!