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Questioning – Soft Skills

As you may notice from this heading, there is no mention of talking. You must become an excellent listener to be completely successful in any communication environment. Learn how and when to ask the difficult questions and master the techniques that will get you the answers and information to all the questions you have, [...]

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Social Media – Soft Skills

Social media and your personal and professional success is much more than a tweet here and a post there.  In this workshop we will uncover creative and unique ways to get the most out of your social media experience. Incorporate quality social media to stay connected with your social network and ensure your success. [...]

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Trusted Advisor – Soft Skills

This “Trusted Advisor” has become all the rage as of late.  Learn and understand how to become “the Trusted Advisor” that provides education, information and insight to your customers and prospects. Five Opportunities makes becoming a trusted advisor a natural part of your everyday business.

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Negotiations – Soft Skills

We are forever negotiating and there is never enough to be learned around this subject.  In this workshop we will focus on positive outcomes and how to negotiate both personally and professionally.  Negotiating starts from the first contact and is an important skill we all need to become more proficient and comfortable with as [...]

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Objections – Soft Skills

Experience a deeper dive into dealing with and responding to objections.  What they mean and how to respond.  Learn what the first response to every objection should be.  Understand how to turn an objection into a positive.  Feel comfortable responding to an objection by closing for the sale or moving a process forward. [...]

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Presentations and Slide Decks – Soft Skills

There are many details that go into presentations and any valuable time in front of the customer should not be wasted. Understand how to evaluate your presentation and exactly what needs to be accomplished for effective and pointed outcomes.  Realize the different roles of the involved players and what is expected from each one.  [...]

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Inbound Calls – Soft Skills

Being the voice behind your company and their customers and potential prospects should be taken very seriously. Many times this interaction can make or break a deal and potentially a long- standing relationship.  One word, statement or action will make all the difference.  Ensure every interaction is positive in the customers eyes. [...]

2020-12-09T20:25:53+00:00By |Comments Off on Inbound Calls – Soft Skills
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