Jump-Start Your Sales Career from 0-60

Moving from 0-60 in your selling career is as simple as making sales activity your #1 priority


“You can have all the sales and communication savvy in the world, but without opportunities, those skills are rendered useless.”


It does not matter where you are in your career, there is always room for improvement.  It could be you are;

a new employee and want to generate remarkable sales activity as soon as possible;

a mid-level rep who wants to take their revenue volume to another level;

a seasoned rep that would like to sell more and work less;

or the rep that struggles to make their numbers and wants to end that cycle.

New Employees
Your goal should be to bring new deals to the table on your very first day on the job, if not sooner.  Identify the primary success stories and pictures associated with your new company and make the connection to business associates, former employers, friends, family members or anyone that might benefit. Why not start your new position off at 60 mph than waiting for your first day to get moving. You do not have to be an expert to identify and bring deals to the table. Support will always materialize to help you move the opportunities through the sales cycles.

Mid-level Reps
You have been at sales for a while, but if you could take your sales activity and volume to the next level without disrupting or adding additional work, you would be all in.  Because of your experience level, your closing ratio is increasing, and if you had more opportunities, you would definitely close more business. Simply placing activity first and foremost, you will naturally and organically generate those additional opportunities without any disruption to your current processes or procedures.  So if you could identify more opportunities, that lead to closed business, without any real additional effort, I would say you should get started right away.

Seasoned Reps
From the majority of my conversations with seasoned reps, the primary answer I received when asked “What kind of help and results they would want?” the top answer was to “Sell more and work less.”  The keys are:

  • Working a little smarter than we work hard
  • Recognizing that the way we sold in the past is not as effective now or in the future
  • Swallowing our pride and acknowledging there may be some new approaches that might make us that much more effective in our jobs that will allow us to sell more and work less.

I always say this about myself, “I am a mature dog, but I am always open and willing to learn new tricks, when it leads to more closed business.”

Struggling Reps
Statistics prove that the majority of sales reps fit into the “struggling” category.  Take solace in knowing that you do not have to permanently accept this role and can take your activity and career to the next level, starting today.

“You first must believe “you can DO it” and then put together a plan for “how you CAN do it, not why you can’t,” to be successful in your sales career.”

Your employer is looking for sales activity and opportunities.  If you continue to bring opportunities to the table on a consistent basis, any sales rep can move from a “struggling” status to a “productive” position.  All it takes are positive daily movements targeted at increasing your sales activity level.  It is as easy as 1-2-3-4-5.

The Jump-start
When you consider jump-starting anything, a few components are always involved.  When you jump-start your car, there needs to be secondary source of energy and cables to connect the two power sources. The same holds true in your sales career.  Five Opportunities can be that source for your “sales” jump” and our methodology will be the connector that keeps the current flowing.  Just like any positive jump-start, once the “dead” side is energized the connection can be removed, but the energy is still there to keep the vehicle running.

When activity is your #1 priority, everything changes and remember,

“It’s all about the Opportunities!”

Learn more about jump-starting your sales activity on our Advocate Portal.  If you are not a member of the Five Opportunities Advocate Program, sign-up is quick and easy to begin receiving professional training and education delivered right to your electronic doorstep.


Happy Selling!