Data Opportunities Initiative

Provide executive management with a continuous supply of data automation opportunities and let them decide what piques their interest or compliments their agendas and direction.

Keep placing data opportunities under the noses of executives.

Five Opportunities answer for CDAO’s determined to extend their employment tenure is delivering a continuous flow of data opportunities.

Create a data breeding ground for data opportunities

The more “Data automation/data opportunities” executives see, the CDAO’s value increases.
And the more executives will begin to recognize the value in data as it relates to revenue and the future direction of the company.

Deliver an overflow of data options and data opportunities.
Switch to the opposite of the way we have been doing data. Instead of being very selective with the data projects brought to the table, deliver an overflow of data options and data opportunities.

Five Opportunities market research finding
Five Opportunities market research finds that CDAO’s and other data leaders are not bringing enough data opportunities to the table for executive management.

Data opportunities are exploding
Data opportunities are not diminishing in any organization, but the complete opposite. They are exploding. Data opportunities are appearing from many different directions. Like driving on the freeway in cities like DC and Charlotte. (Charlotte because everyone thinks they are a Nascar car driver.) Vehicle’s come from all lanes and out of nowhere even when it looks clear. Data opportunities are similar and will come from many different areas of your business and employees and include a variety of data automation solutions.

TIME is now your most valuable resource.
The result of implementing data opportunities is time. Time is now our most valuable resource. Time could currently be even more important than the data itself.

Data Opportunities Initiative Highlights

Provide executive management with a continuous supply of data automation opportunities and let them decide what piques their interest or compliments their agendas and direction.

Keep placing data opportunities under the noses of executives.

The more “Data automation/data opportunities” executives see, the more they will begin to recognize the value in data as it relates to revenue and the future direction of the company.

Every business has areas that can be positively impacted by becoming more effective at leveraging data.

Become more effective at leveraging data to save time, reduce costs, and increase revenue. And learn how to leverage next generation data automation solutions to absorb more work with the same or less resources and grow your business with the same or less employees.

Your time is your most valuable resource
Time is the only non-renewable resource

Save your employees TIME to absorb more work
Save management TIME to become more strategic
Saving TIME makes your business more profitable
Saving TIME makes for a better work/life balance

It is all about developing a next generation data-driven focus.

Conversations are directed toward the end user’s business and less about how they are specifically using their data and what they (the end user) want from it.

Users do not always know what they want, and many times need to be shown.

Placing strategic data into the hands of management directly leads to a more productive, profitable and efficient organization.

When employees are trained to recognize data opportunities, they impact the company overall and become more connected and heard.

An IT person will ask employees what their data needs are.

A data analyst will ask employees about the data solutions provided to them.

Five Opportunities speaks to your employees about the business, their jobs and what they would change or make better.

Five Opportunities can show you the potential impact of data automation in your office environment.

We share and explain what we discover then provide you a document with the results. You decide what you want to do with the information from there.

Create that data breeding ground of data opportunities

  • Identify, generate, and leverage data opportunities
  • Look beyond traditional methods and data project means
  • Connect data opportunities to time, savings, and revenue
  • Be creative and you must include data visioning
  • Be sure to connect opportunities directly to the business
  • Drive data opportunities across the entire organization
  • Include all employees, departments, and divisions