This course is set up in sequential order to maximize learning and retention. You are not required to take the courses in this order so feel free to jump in and out of different workshops. However, because this is a personalized learning portal, learning combinations are nearly endless. Please contact us personalize your learning requirements.
Management capabilities are included to monitor the progress of everyone enrolled.
Visit our Personalized Learning Portal for more information.
The Five Opportunities Soft-Skills Course and associated workshops are part of our Personalized Learning Platform and specifically designed to maximize the potential of every employee.
⇒ Consistent and Effective Training
⇒ Maximum Learning Retention
⇒ Professional Curriculum
⇒ Endless customization options
Personalized Soft Skills Training with a Purpose
Ideal for Any and Every Employee.
Five Opportunities Soft Skills Workshops delivers interpersonal skills to enhance employee effectiveness both in and out of the workplace.
Driving activity and generating opportunities for the entire organization are at the core, even when delivering soft skills.
Every employee is not in sales, but every employee is part of the sales process. Every employee is not a salesperson, but every employee can influence a sale.
Five Opportunities modern on-line portal provides a smooth user experience and includes quizzes, tracking, and certificates of completion for all participants.
We are providing soft skills with a purpose. That purpose is to ensure your organization is better because of your relationship with us.
Personalized for specific job position(s) and unlimited customization options.