This course is set up in sequential order to maximize learning and retention. You are not required to take the courses in this order so feel free to jump in and out of different workshops. However, because this is a personalized learning portal, learning combinations are nearly endless. Please contact us personalize your learning requirements.
Management capabilities are included to monitor the progress of everyone enrolled.
Visit our Personalized Learning Portal for more information.
The Five Opportunities Soft-Skills Course and associated workshops are part of our Personalized Learning Platform and specifically designed to maximize the potential of every employee.
⇒ Consistent and Effective Training
⇒ Maximum Learning Retention
⇒ Professional Curriculum
⇒ Endless customization options
Personalized Soft Skills Training with a Purpose
Ideal for Any and Every Employee.
Five Opportunities Soft Skills Workshops delivers interpersonal skills to enhance employee effectiveness both in and out of the workplace.
Driving activity and generating opportunities for the entire organization are at the core, even when delivering soft skills.
Every employee is not in sales, but every employee is part of the sales process. Every employee is not a salesperson, but every employee can influence a sale.
Five Opportunities modern on-line portal provides a smooth user experience and includes quizzes, tracking, and certificates of completion for all participants.
We are providing soft skills with a purpose. That purpose is to ensure your organization is better because of your relationship with us.
Personalized for specific job position(s) and unlimited customization options.

Five Opportunities Methodology – Soft Skills
The Five Opportunities methodology and model is at the core of every education component we provide. Learning to place “Opportunities First” in every conversation and meeting will take your communication skills to the next level and beyond. Expect natural outcomes and organic results from this point forward in your personal and professional journey. Always remember, “It’s ALL about the Opportunities.”

Opportunities Defined – Soft Skills
Learn the true definition of an opportunity and how to place opportunity generation at the top of your activity list, both business and personal. Gain fresh techniques to identify opportunities, realize where your opportunities will come from, the appropriate action to take, and the benefits you will recognize.

New Employee Part 1 – Soft Skills
The “0-60” workshop provides the key elements and strategies, so every employee is positively productive from the very beginning. This workshop is specifically designed to empower employees with tools and techniques to generate activity, identify opportunities and leverage all the available resources around them to take them from 0-60 as quickly as possible.

New Employee Part 2 – Soft Skills
The “0-60” workshop provides the key elements and strategies, so every employee is positively productive from the very beginning. This workshop is specifically designed to empower employees with tools and techniques to generate activity, identify opportunities and leverage all the available resources around them to take them from 0-60 as quickly as possible.

Phishing 101 – Soft Skills
Protecting and safeguarding our personal information and company data has become priority one. Follow along in this workshop to establish a solid foundation and reminder for the proper handling of all our data flowing both in-and-out of our computers and organization.

Meetings and Conversations – Soft Skills
For every meeting and conversation it is important to begin with these three primary statements. Who am I? Where am I from? What do I want? Include a few other simple guidelines and guarantee yourself solid verbal and electronic communications every time.

Subsequent Conversations – Soft Skills
“Re-establishing the Call" and is especially effective re-engaging customers and prospects during the sales process and after extended periods of time in-between contact. This tactic ensures a smooth transition from the previous meetings to current meetings.

Communication – Soft Skills
We should expand the ways we communicate with our customers and other human beings. This can be accomplished by looking at communication of your idea, product, or solution through verbal, physical or electronic contact. Communication is about information, and information is about effectiveness.

Leveraging Your Resources – Soft Skills
Learn to leverage ALL your resources and understand just how many resources are available to help with your success. The adage that “we can’t know everything” is obviously true. But we can get everything accomplished if we know how to find and leverage ALL the correct resources available to us. In this workshop you will lean exactly how to identify and leverage ALL these resources to ensure your success.

Painting Pictures & Story Telling – Soft Skills
Refine your skills and learn to master one of the most effective sales techniques today. Painting pictures and telling stories is an easy to learn skill that will guarantee improved communication. You will come out of the workshop with the tools, ideas and concepts that will make you a better storyteller and more effective at painting pictures.

Listening – Soft Skills
“What” you are listening for is the key. And that “What” is information. Not just any information, but intelligence that will give you a decisive advantage over your competitors when vying for your prospects or customer’s next opportunity.

Questioning – Soft Skills
As you may notice from this heading, there is no mention of talking. You must become an excellent listener to be completely successful in any communication environment. Learn how and when to ask the difficult questions and master the techniques that will get you the answers and information to all the questions you have, and then some.

Identifying Opportunities – Soft Skills
Learn to place opportunity generation at the top of your to-do list, both business and personal. Understand how to generate opportunities that result in long term business and success. Gain fresh techniques to identify opportunities, realize where your opportunities will come from, the appropriate action to take and the benefits you will recognize.

No Ghosting Guarantee – Soft Skills
We all have had customers or prospects go silent on us a time, or two, or regularly. There are many reasons for this silence, but the trick is to eliminate the silent treatment all together. Join in on this lively discussion, absorb something new, and guarantee your customers or prospects never go silent on you again.

Positioning – Soft Skills
Learn the importance of positioning products, services, solutions, your company or even yourself. Positioning is one of the most important soft skills to master and should be a constant in every conversation or correspondence with your customers, prospects and fellow employees.

Objections – Soft Skills
Experience a deeper dive into dealing with and responding to objections. What they mean and how to respond. Learn what the first response to every objection should be. Understand how to turn an objection into a positive. Feel comfortable responding to an objection by closing for the sale or moving a process forward.

Negotiations – Soft Skills
We are forever negotiating and there is never enough to be learned around this subject. In this workshop we will focus on positive outcomes and how to negotiate both personally and professionally. Negotiating starts from the first contact and is an important skill we all need to become more proficient and comfortable with as we navigate through life.

Customer Relationships – Soft Skills
The way we enter and maintain relationships has changed due to the ever-evolving electronics age. However, the adage that people buy from people is alive and still true. Five Opportunities is the key to successful, long term customer relationships. Quickly learn how new customers and contacts can turn into long time friendships.

Establishing a Sense of Urgency – Soft Skills
If we never establish a sense of urgency, many processes and sales cycles would continue far beyond their envisioned lifecycle. As one project and process lingers on, they begin to overlap with others. Before you know it, you are overwhelmed with a backlog of activity that could have been completed with a little sense of urgency.

Trusted Advisor – Soft Skills
This “Trusted Advisor” has become all the rage as of late. Learn and understand how to become “the Trusted Advisor” that provides education, information and insight to your customers and prospects. Five Opportunities makes becoming a trusted advisor a natural part of your everyday business.

Presentations and Slide Decks – Soft Skills
There are many details that go into presentations and any valuable time in front of the customer should not be wasted. Understand how to evaluate your presentation and exactly what needs to be accomplished for effective and pointed outcomes.

Documentation and Updating Data – Soft Skills
Documentation and the updating of data is a critical component of every business. If you view the benefits and what they can mean personally, you might find yourself enjoying the results of clean and timely data. Not to mention the constant gratitude from your company and peers.

Social Media – Soft Skills
Social media and your personal and professional success is much more than a tweet here and a post there. In this workshop we will uncover creative and unique ways to get the most out of your social media experience. Incorporate quality social media to stay connected with your social network and ensure your success. Add some new techniques to your plans where a little effort goes a long way.

Driving Crazy Activity – Soft Skills
DRIVING CRAZY ACTIVITY may sound like an odd topic for a soft skill but activity is at the core of every successful business. As we like to say at Five Opportunities, “Not every employee is in the sales department, but every employee is part of the sales process. Not every employee is a salesperson, but every employee can influence a sale.”
The more activity we help to generate that has the potential to impact a sale the better it is for the entire organization. Better pay increases, better atmosphere, better benefits, better working conditions, better tools, just better all the way around.
Everyone in the pool.

Inbound Calls – Soft Skills
Being the voice behind your company and their customers and potential prospects should be taken very seriously. Many times this interaction can make or break a deal and potentially a long- standing relationship. One word, statement or action will make all the difference. Ensure every interaction is positive in the customers eyes.

Education – Soft Skills
Education is the cornerstone to success. With all the available resources, there is no reason we should not be continually educating ourselves and fellow employees. Make education fun. Focus on what inspires you personally and not only on what is required for your job. An active mind leads to an active lifestyle, which results to a longer and more satisfying life.

Becoming Data Driven – Soft Skills
The only way to be data-driven is to be data-focused. You become truly data-driven when you place the focus on your data from a business perspective and how to put that data to work for you.
This workshop will help individuals begin to understand and identify data-driven opportunities in all aspects of their personal and professional life.

Leadership – Soft Skills
Being a leader does not always mean you are the one in charge or the most seasoned person in the meeting. A leader has the company and group goals at top-of-mind. A leader askes the tough questions and knows when to let others speak. We all will need to lead at some point or another in our live, so why not be prepared and practice this very important soft skill.

Motivation – Soft Skills
Motivation has many roots and how we motivate ourselves and others are the keys to a satisfying personal life and successful professional career. The balance and the motivation between your personal and professional life can be challenging but not an obstacle that can’t be overcome with a little grit and determination.

Five Steps to a Fulfilling Year – Soft Skills
YOUR steps can be anything you want them to be, so do not limit them by traditional thoughts. Once we find what is important to us personally, our first steps will be easy, and our goals will naturally follow. Learn a few steps that can help ensure a fulfilling year to come both personal and professional. Focus YOUR goals and plans on what is meaningful in YOUR life to ensure YOUR steps lead to a fulfilling next 12-months.