Management capabilities are included to monitor the progress of everyone enrolled.
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The Five opportunities Professional Sales Training Course is an ideal combination of sales workshops that will enable any level of learner to maximize and strengthen their selling capabilities. Complete them in sequence or free form to the topics that you want to focus on, for you very own personalized learning experience.
⇒ Consistent and Effective Professional Sales Training
⇒ Maximum Learning Retention
⇒ Modern Curriculum and Learning Management System
⇒ Endless natural Outcomes and Organic Results
Professional Sales Training
Education is the cornerstone to guaranteed sales success and the exact reason Five Opportunities developed this extensive Professional Sales Training curriculum and course.
Our Professional Sales Training Course contains 30+ Sales Workshops on a variety of highly sought-after sales topics that will guarantee your success today and far into the future.
Complete this Professional Sales Training course and naturally and organically begin to generate sales results from ALL the past and current selling methods, including opportunities that fall past their due date.
Whether you are an individual salesperson looking to advance their career and income, or a sales leader that wants to take their team to the next level, this course is for you.
We leverage a modern Learning Management System to deliver a superior learning experience for all our learners and their management team. This approach maximizes learning effectiveness and guarantees knowledge retention.
Expect Quizzes and Action items for every workshop and a certificate of completion after successfully finishing the course.
Natural outcomes, organic results, Five Opportunities.
0-60 Workshop
The “0-60” workshop provides the key elements and strategies, so every employee is positively productive from the very beginning. Participants will learn what it takes to identify and close substantial business within the first few months of their position and how to leverage all the available resources around them to take them from 0-60 as quickly as possible.
Straight-Forward Sales Skills
The Straightforward Sales Skills includes many of the areas a salesperson will need to master to achieve the success they desire. This workshop also provides a solid understanding of the sales cycle and processes from beginning to end.
Painting Pictures and Story Telling
Refine your skills and learn to master one of the most effective sales techniques today. Painting pictures is an easy to lean skill that will guarantee more closed business. You will come out of the workshop with the tools, ideas and concepts that will make you a better storyteller and more efficient at painting pictures
Positioning Your Company, Products, and Yourself
Learn ways and techniques when positioning products, services, solutions, your company or even yourself. Every salesperson should truly understand the importance of positioning, exactly what that means and how to be comfortable with positioning from your point of view and personality.
Identifying, Generating and Leveraging Opportunities
A crash course specifically designed to increase the quantity and quality of leads in your pipeline. Learn to place lead generation at the top of your to-do list, both business and personal. Understand how to generate leads that result in long term business and success.
Listening for Information
Listening is a key component to the success to any salesperson. This workshop will focus solely on the specific skills to ensure confidence in your questioning and listening, no matter the selling situation. Learn how and when to ask the difficult questions and master the different techniques that will get you the answers and information to all the questions you have, and then some.
Qualifying – Determining Opportunity Values
Qualifying could be one of the most important aspects to a successful sales career. Qualifying is more than a customer informing you they have a need. It’s about encompassing all the aspects surrounding the customer environment. Understand how to qualify quickly and effectively and know exactly what action to take, and how much of your time needs to be spent on each opportunity.
Objection Handling
A deeper dive into dealing with and responding to objections. What they mean and how to respond to them. Learn what the first response to every objection should be. Understand how to turn an objection into a positive to move the sales cycle forward. Feel comfortable responding to an objection by closing for the sale or asking for the order.
We are forever negotiating and there is never enough to be learned around this subject. In this workshop we will focus on positive outcomes and how to negotiate through the entire sales cycle. Negotiating starts for the first contact and that will be our focus throughout our time together.
Closing Styles Techniques & Options
A complete and comprehensive overview of closing styles, techniques, and options, Five Opportunities style. We will focus on closing techniques for today’s savvy consumers and how the Five Opportunities approach will have your customers asking “you” for the order.
Dynamics of a Sales Call
Every salesperson needs to have a plan, outline, or guideline to follow for every sales call and customer or prospect contact. I this workshop we will examine the dynamics of a sales call from the inside looking out. The goal is to come away with very specific insight that will make every call as effective as possible.
Customer Communication
Learn how to maximize all the available lines of communication, including social media to ensure your customer never goes silent on you again. In this workshop we will examine verbal, electronic and physical communications and their importance, strategies, and tactics to get the most out of every customer and prospect contact.
Finer Points of Selling
Learn the secrets hidden within common sales techniques that will turn your prospects to customers and customers to long term revenue generators. There is the most obvious sales tools-of-the-trade, and then a very specific sub-set of finer selling points that the most successful salespeople incorporate daily. In this workshop we will examine the subtleties that make the difference between a successful sales process or meeting and the average or sub-par.
Customer Relationships
The old adage that people buy from people is alive and still true. The ways we enter into and maintain relationships has changed due to the evolving electronics age. Learn the Five opportunities key to successful, long term customer relationships and how they can turn into longtime friends.
Meetings, Conversations and Correspondence
Get the most out of every meeting, conversation and correspondence and have the results continue the sales cycle moving forward. We will delve deeper into the different types of meetings you may be involved with and how to maximize the results from everyone. We will also cover more pointed aspects of re-establishing a call and what that can affect the overall outcome.
Account Management
Account Management from a Five Opportunities perspective provides fresh and logical insight into a subject that is vital for everyone’s success.
Instilling a Sense of Urgency
As a salesperson, we should always maintain a sense of urgency as part of our job description. Whether it is focused on our personal business or assisting the customer making their decisions, instilling a sense of urgency should always be part of the sales and decision-making process. In this workshop you will understand the how and why and learn to embrace a sense of urgency to move all things forward like you never have before.
Becoming a Trusted Advisor
This “Trusted Advisor” has become all the rage within the selling industry as of late. Learn and understand how to become the salesperson that provides education, information and insight to your customers and prospects before your competition even thinks about it.
Proposals and Bidding
Proposals come in all shapes, sizes, forms, and degrees. The underpinning of every proposal should be understood by everyone in the customer sales process that that touches and reviews that proposal or bid. This workshop will focus on generating proposals as they relate to where they fall in the timeline.
Presentations and Slide Decks
Understand how to evaluate your presentation and exactly what needs to be accomplished for effective and pointed outcomes. Realize the different roles of the involved players and what is expected from each one. Learn how to read the room all the way through how your presentation should appear to your customer.