Components of a Digital Transformation Plan

“It is a proven fact that companies embracing Digital Transformation are outperforming their competitors across the board. Data is the technology of the future, so why not leverage the world’s most valuable resource to its fullest extent.”

Data has become one of the highest profile assets within every organization. How we leverage this continual influx of data is critical as it relates to the future growth of our businesses.

We all have experience dealing with data from an IT viewpoint; the challenge is now focused on leveraging that data from an executive business perspective.

Strategy plans exist within every other aspect of your business, why not include a business strategy for your data?


A Guide and Instruction Manual
A guide or format to follow will ensure your entire team is on the same page and following the same outline. For example, Five Opportunities includes a Reference/Instruction Manual with their “Digital Transformation Guide for Executives” to ensure maximum effectiveness of this publication and Digital Transformation plan.


The (DX) Digital Transformation Strategy can be the most challenging component of any successful data-driven initiative. Expect an ongoing tech refresh, changes in your business model and overall cultural shifts. 


DX Data Assessment
The goal of the data assessment is to discover, unlock, and expose current and potential insight within your corporate data from a true business perspective. Leveraging data and automation is proven to save time, reduce costs and increase revenue. 


DX Blueprint
A blueprint document should include a breakdown of your current data environment from a business perspective. Areas to detail are: Organize, Connect, Clean and Prep, Visualize, Insight, and Education.


DX Roadmap
Once the initial data assessment is complete and the blueprint document populated, the outline of your roadmap will organically begin to emerge. 


DX Education
The data industry has passed many by over the past few years so do not be remiss at including “data education from a business perspective.”  The best way to circumvent disruption in your data-driven business model is by educating employees across the board.


DX Living Journey Document(s)
Anticipate numerous (DX) Digital Transformation documents and associated supporting material.  Utilize the Digital Transformation Blueprint results as a tactical platform and the Data Assessment findings as the strategic position


DX Culture
With the rise of (AI) Artificial Intelligence and (ML) Machine Learning, and (RPA) Robotic Process Automation, the thought of a robot replacing your job is real and very intimidating for many employees and organizations. The more you involve your employees in the transition process the greater the likelihood they will embrace and support the change. 

Ask questions of your employees relating to data access. Push to uncover the data access gaps that are hampering their productivity. You will be surprised by what you find.


Every organization has gaps in their data environment, but the data-driven decision-making companies will succeed into the future. Everyone is in process, but not everyone has documented or established a plan and road map.

Five Opportunities LLC
Five Opportunities is a next generation business partner that recognizes no two businesses are alike, and the way we conducted business in the past is not going to work in the future. The creation of our company was to fill that void. We deploy a very modern approach to supporting our customers and are experts on what your business is going to need to successfully navigate into the future.

Our primary focus is connecting Business, Technology and People and the continual, and fragile bond between them. Every business has something to sell, every organization requires technology and people are the cornerstone for success.

We take into consideration ALL aspects of your business and provide leading edge technology and consulting solutions that will benefit your organization for years to come. We leverage our complete and proven business model to guarantee success, and increasing revenue and profit are always at the core of every outcome. We address strategy topics including data, sales and marketing, technology, education, and people.

Many businesses focus only on the immediate and short-term opportunities, but success is driven by long term strategy. Our primary goal is to make your company become stronger because of your relationship with us.