Communicating into the 21st Century

Most of the time we think of communication as the way we interact with our fellow human beings. When opportunities and activity becomes your focus, communications can take on a whole new meaning. Leverage ALL available lines of communication to ensure your customers and prospects never goes silent on you again.

Verbal Communication is orally speaking to the customer or prospect.  This has become almost a lost art, especially face-to-face meetings. Much can be gleaned from a conversation in person or by phone.  Try a video meeting to increase your opportunity to be a more effective communicator.  It is much harder to read body language over the phone.

Physical Communication is providing your customer and prospect with something they can physically feel, touch or see. It simply means physically putting something in your customer’s hands. Consider this, when you receive something in the mail, either at home or in the office, do you not open it, or at least take a quick read or glance.  A lot better response than most of the email that rolls through our inbox.

Electronic Communication is any correspondence facilitated through our endless electronic resources.  There are many ways to communicate electronically like email, texting, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Snapchat, Skype, Instagram, and other social media channels. The key is to initiate communications through the channels you are most comfortable with, and interact through, on a regular basis.  Most important of all, be consistent.

Communication is about information, and information is about effectiveness.  The more useful information you can gather and disseminate, the more effective you will be in all your selling situations. Make a point of expanding your communications channels and leverage them strategically to impact your present and future business.

Happy Selling!