CIO’s and IT LEADERS – Are you ready for the new wave of IT responsibilities coming your way? It has been happening for decades and another twist is right around the corner.

I began my technology journey as an IT Engineer decades ago. And since have walked together with many IT leaders through a myriad of technology advances as they were applied to their business to save time, lower cost, and increase revenue.

As technology accelerates, so does the products and solutions that are placed under the direction and protection of the “IT Team.” As a result, anything that connects to or leverages a computer/application and generates data, conveniently becomes the responsibility of the technology leaders of their companies.

“Anything that connects to or leverages a computer/application and generates data, conveniently becomes the responsibility of the technology leaders of their companies.”

The Ever Changing IT Responsibility Path through History

The following list is an accumulation of technology responsibilities that have been heaped onto the IT leaders over the years. It is daunting when you view the complete list and realize this is very real and relevant in nearly every organization today. Take notice that only a few have dropped from the list. However, once they make the list, they may never come off. This list is by no means exhaustive or in any definitive chronological order.

  • Mainframe
  • Typewriter
  • Word Processor
  • PC’s
  • IT infrastructure hardware and support
  • Cabling infrastructure
  • Telephone infrastructure
  • Database/Application support
  • File Servers and Operating systems
  • Data Center infrastructure
  • Security – Physical
  • Security – Virtual
  • End-user support – Help desk
  • Software development
  • Vendor relationships/negotiations
  • Facilities
  • Communications infrastructure – Remote work/support
  • Networking – Internet/WAN connections/support

Recently Added IT Responsibilities

  • Managed IT services
  • SaaS products and vendors
  • Cloud based products and services
  • Digital Transformation
  • BI/AI/ML/Data Automation
  • Marketing Automation
  • Social Media

If you study past IT responsibilities, they are PRIMARILY SUPPORT-BASED AND TOTALLY REACTIVE to the business needs and requirements.

Today and Moving Forward is Where Things Get Interesting.

As New IT Responsibilities Continually Emerge, there is a recognizable shift.

Information Technology Leaders Now Must Rewire Their Thinking from support to strategy.

The traditional Reactive Stance Has Swung to More of a Pure Proactive Stance.

The future approach for IT Business Unit Success Will Be Determined by the Ability To Transition From a Cost Center to a Profit center.

Meeting these new demands will also require a Change From Just Cooperating and fulfilling project requirements, to Fully Collaborating on projects to maximize goals and profitability.

“Change is always a challenge no matter what the circumstance. Shifting an entire thought process as part of change can be even more demanding, but attainable.”

What Are The New IT Responsibilities Emerging Onto The Plate Of IT Leaders?

CIO and IT Leaders Responsibilities will be more Strategically Centered and Leverage a Very Proactive Stance Towards Overall Business Goals.

  • Data-Driven Initiatives
  • Digital Acceleration
  • Support-to-Strategy Directives
  • Transition IT from a Cost-Center to a Profit-Center
  • Collaborate vs. Just Cooperating
  • Employee/Customer Experience
  • Data Automation (RPA/AI/ML/BI)
  • Data Governance (It is about the data, right?)
  • And More to Come

Five Opportunities recognizes these challenges and has developed specific resources to assist any organization and their IT leaders scale this future mountain with ease.

The Five Opportunities Data-Driven Impact Workshop is a perfect example how we can help with your digital acceleration journey. Quickly discover new areas of your business where data-driven decision-making will impact your business.

To prove we are serious about your digital success; have the Data-Driven Workshop personally requested and endorsed by your CEO, President or Owner, and we will waive the session fee.