window.dataLayer = window.dataLayer || []; function gtag(){dataLayer.push(arguments);} gtag('js', new Date()); gtag('config', 'UA-42196152-1');

Matchstick Challenge

The Matchstick Challenge A Five Opportunities sales skill exercise. Part of my initial professional sales training was learning and memorizing as much as we could about the products and solutions we sold. One important segment was centered on Feature, Advantage and Benefit statements, or FAB’s. You could leverage a FAB for general responses relating to [...]

2020-04-27T12:45:54+00:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments

Digital Transformation Education Series

Digital Transformation Education Series  Digital Transformation is here to stay and data has become one of the highest profile assets we own. How we leverage this continual influx of data is critical as it relates to the future growth of our data-driven businesses. The Digital Transformation Education Series from Five [...]

Scheduling Appointments More Effectively

Scheduling Appointments More Effectively The number of skills sales people have been taught over the years is daunting, but many times the effectiveness can evade us for an entire career. Scheduling appointments seems to have become one of those skills that has run its full course [...]

2020-04-27T12:45:54+00:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments

Listening for Information

Listening for Information What is the #1 selling skill the majority of business people say is most important to your overall sales and communications success? You guessed it, Listening skills.  Listening for information then will determine your listening success.  I agree that becoming a more effective [...]

Top-8 Sales Skills of a Five Opportunities Advocate

Top-8 Sales Skills of a Five Opportunities Advocate If we had to pick the top Five Opportunities Advocate sales skills, topics, or subjects that will guarantee a consistent and effective sales career, our list would consist of the following eight items, which by the way, are the [...]

2020-04-27T12:45:55+00:00By |Uncategorized|0 Comments
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