Personalized Business Data Strategy Resources
Five Opportunities is filling the business strategy gap for data leaders through a complete set of Personalized Business Data Strategy Resources. Off-load the business data strategy burden onto a partner with the resources that will accelerate and maintain your data-driven efforts.
Job descriptions include overall data responsibilities and now contains business data strategy. Five Opportunities can help support and alleviate the pressure from the business strategy side of your job with a complete set of personalized business data strategy resources developed specifically to help move your data initiatives forward while continually satisfying executive management’s DigitalTransformation journey.
Filling the Business Data Strategy gap.
Off-load the business strategy burden onto a partner with the Personalized Business Strategy Resources that will let you focus on what you do best, your business.

AI Initiative
Uncover business areas where AI will have the greatest impact. The first step to any data-driven future should be identifying areas of your business where Artificial Intelligence (AI) projects will have the greatest impact, PRIOR TO ANY TECHNOLOGY DECISION.
Staffing Initiative
Impacting staffing challenges with data. Freeing up employee’s time, removing job duty boundaries, absorbing workloads, collapsing job responsibilities onto automation, all by leveraging data.
Data Culture Directive
Teaching the entire organization to leverage data. Stressing a company-first data mentality with company-focused data results to instill a data-first permanence to the company data culture.
12-month Data Culture Program
Designed to dramatically improve your organizations “data culture.” Includes all the personalized data resources required for an entire year. Data assessments, guides, exercises, workshops, surveys, and many other discovery tools for executives, technical, departmental, and general employee population. Established and defined milestones with very natural and organic corporate wide data-driven acceptance.
Data Opportunities Initiative
Flipping the script on executive and departmental leadership. Create a data breeding ground of data opportunities. provide executive management with a continuous supply of data automation opportunities and let them decide what piques their interest or compliments their agendas and direction.
Absorbing Work into Data Automation
Absorb as much work as possible onto automation. Absorbing more work and increasing revenue with the same or less resources. Growing your business with the same or less employees, with data.
Next Generation Business Movement
It is all about how we will be doing business moving forward. Five Opportunities is defining the new models for what a Next Generation Business looks like. From building your Next Generation Technology Team to identifying areas of your business where data will reduce costs, and increase revenue, profit & productivity, Five Opportunities will help you reach your Next Generation Business.

Discovery Resources
Assess your business environment with unbiased expertise. Wide array of vendor agnostic discovery workshops, exercises, and assessments centered on data across a broad range of sought-after business topics for more informed and proactive data decision-making.
Data Strategy Guide for Executives
Executives should spearhead their organizations data journey. The foundation of leveraging data is from a business perspective first, not technology. Therefore, none is more qualified to lead this critical stage of your business than top executives.
Data Strategy Effectiveness Report
Every business can be more effective at leveraging data. Discover the top areas of your organization that can be successfully impacted by leveraging data. Leveraging data is the way we will conduct business moving forward.
Executive Level Data Analysis/Assessment
Executive detailed overview of your business data landscape. discovering, unlocking, and exposing current and potential insight within your corporate data landscape and processes through the review of each department current and future company data initiatives, plus a documented blueprint with a high-level action plan.

Personalized – affordable – professional – relevant – effective. Implementing business education that provides a continual positive impact on the bottom-line.
Data Literacy/Data Fluency
Data is the new technology. We must all begin to think outside our personal controlled data environment and start viewing our data as a true business tool.
Communication | Soft skills | Power Skills
Creating a more productive data employee. Communication is about information. information is about effectiveness & effectiveness is about profit.
Career and Personal Branding
Accelerate and elevate your career and personal data brand. Force yourself out of your comfort zone. Change the way you think about DATA moving forward and become that next generation business leader.
Five Opportunities Core
It’s all about the data opportunities. A slight shift is all it takes to begin moving in a positive data direction and Five Opportunities is that catalyst.
Establish a data strategy for your organization from a business perspective.
Five Opportunities is filling the business strategy gap for data leaders through a complete set of Personalized Business Strategy Resources.
Off-load the business strategy burden onto a partner with the Personalized Business Strategy Resources that will accelerate your data-driven efforts.