The First Step to Becoming a Data-Driven Organization.

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Take the First-Step towards Digital Transformation.

Have you always wanted to know what being “data-driven” would mean to your organization?

What would a “data-driven initiative” look like in your company?

What kind of immediate impact a data initiative might have on your current processes and future?

How “Digital Transformation” will spur the growth of your company?

How (AI) Artificial Intelligence, (ML) Machine Learning & (RPA) Robotic Process Automation will benefit your company?

Take the first-step to becoming a data driven organization and receive the answers to these questions and many more.

Benefits and Rewards of  Becoming Data-Driven and “Digital Transformation”
The benefits and rewards of “Digital Transformation” are evident, but how to get there and what it might look like for your individual organization are the answers to the questions that seem to be evading us. Understanding where data initiatives can be applied and seeing them first-hand are some of the most common responses we hear when discussing data from a business perspective.

Five Opportunities wants to help you understand what it can mean to your organization to be “data-driven.”

Many times the first step can be the most difficult because of the unknown.  The same has become evident through our research regarding companies implementing data initiatives.

Step #1 – Identifying where and how a data initiative will impact your organization

The first-step to any data-driven future should be identifying the areas of your business where data-driven projects will have the greatest impact, PRIOR TO ANY TECHNOLOGY DECISIONS.

Making the connection between business processes and data-driven initiatives requires an understanding of all aspects of your business; inside, outside, up, down, and through, your entire business cycle.  This is the value Five Opportunities brings to the table and a crucial component in helping you realize your data-driven potential.

Let Five Opportunities Help You Move Forward.
Five Opportunities wants to help you move forward and discover how being “data-driven” and individual Digital Transformation Journey will truly benefit your organization.  Let us help you with that first step.

Step #1 consists of a virtual or on-site discussion where data is the primary focus, from a business perspective.  The discussion will target and identify areas of your business where leveraging data will begin,

  • Saving time
  • Reducing costs
  • Increasing revenue
  • Absorbing More Work with the same or less resources.
  • Increasing Sales with the same or less resources.
  • Growing Your Business with the same or less employees.

At the conclusion of our time together we will have identified specific aspects of your business with the greatest potential for immediate impact. All from a data-driven initiative and business perspective.

Step #1 is NOT a presentation, but a jump-right-in and get going kind of meeting, with no time for idle chit-chat.  There is a complete sense of urgency with our intentions and we do not want to waste your time or ours.

Again, the first-step is identifying where and how a data-driven initiative will impact your organization. No one wants to commit to a virtual unknown without understanding it firsthand.

“Let Five Opportunities help you discover how being Data-Driven will impact your organization.”

Discovering specific areas of your business that will benefit initially is the most challenging aspect of any data initiative.  To follow is a partial list, in no particular order, of some of the areas we may identify as an immediate or potential candidates for your data initiative.

Divisions and departments
General management

Back office
Other internal companies
Mergers and acquisitions
Revenue driven decisions
Partner data, outside data, web data
Growth initiatives
Employee productivity and processes
Application specific
Data federation & integration
Reactive vs. proactive data approach
Development and R&D
Distribution and deployment
Business perspective vs. IT perspective
Low hanging data initiatives
Long term data initiatives

Contact us today to schedule your Digital Transformation Assessment and take the first steps to becoming a data-driven decision-making company.