One SALES Solution. ALL the Results.
Recognize sales results of ALL the sales methodologies, past, present, and future.
Recognize sales results of ALL the sales methodologies, past, present, and future from a single solution.
Easily and affordably apply a business approach that encompasses and realizes the results of ALL the past, present and future sales methodologies across your entire organization. Then have it effortlessly applied and leveraged by any experience level of employee.
Combine todays and tomorrow’s modern marketing automation benefits and results.
Apply this same approach to accelerate the effectiveness and results of modern marketing automation technology for your business as easily and simply as it was for the sales methodologies. With the same goals and results.
Place sales, marketing, and business development results truly back into control of the company.
Because of our approach, have the peace of mind to know that no matter what the economic landscape or employee upheaval, the overall corporate machine endures, and will consistently function and grow.
Have every employee engaged and contributing to the selling process.
Not every employee is in sales, but every employee is part of the sales process. Not every employee is a salesperson, but every employee can influence a sale. A Five Opportunities model will gather all your employees together into an activity generating machine, to help drive continual and unprecedented growth.
Organically and naturally establish, grow and maintain long term revenue.
The Five Opportunities model is not a burden or a budget drain, but the complete opposite. Simple efforts and pointed action will naturally and organically drive long term revenue right before your eyes and with very little perceived effort. Things do not always have to be harder when you are working smarter.
And successfully position your business for the future.
The way we did business in the past is not going to work in the future. A Five Opportunities approach ensures your direction is always on the future prize. How your business will function and react moving forward while leveraging your past to influence your future.
You have a Five Opportunities solution.
And it is now “All about the Opportunities!”
Five Opportunities Selling
Five Opportunities is an “opportunity and activity first” based selling model and methodology. Five Opportunities naturally and organically generates results from ALL the past and current selling methods into a single, complete, easy to implement approach, including the opportunities that fall past their due date.
Transaction Selling Focus
Product selling has been around for generations and is primarily a transaction-based approach. This was the initial response to formalize the selling process. (1-Immediate Need and 2-Short Term Opportunities)
Solution Selling Focus
Solution Selling is a true process driven methodology. Most of the current selling styles and processes stem from some form of solution or strategic selling. (1-Immediate Need, 2-Short Term, and 3-Long Term Opportunities)
Insight Selling Focus
Insight selling focus is on what is best for the customer, whether they realize it or not. There is much information available on what customer insight selling is, but not a proven model or practical way to apply it, until now. (3-Long Term Goals, 4-The Magic Wand, and 5-Identified Opportunities)
Contact Us to Recognize Sales Results of ALL the Sales Methodologies and Processes from a Single Solution.