Take the Data Test – Will the New BI and Analytic Solutions Help Your Business?

Every business is accumulating more and more data on a daily basis and this is just the beginning.

EVERYTHING is generating data and the way we accessed our data in the past is not the same way we will leverage our data in the future.

Take the data test to find out if it is time for your business to investigate the benefits of the new BI and analytic solutions that are impacting businesses everywhere.  Review the following statements and answer them truthfully with either a True or a False.

1.) You know your answers are in the data, but there is no way to access it (True or False)

2.) You regularly copy and paste data from multiple applications and formats 
(True or False)

3.) If you had better access to data, you would be more effective at your job (True or False)

4.) You are continually told it is too expensive to combine your data (True or False)

5.) There is data you would like access to but have given up on asking (True or False)

6.) Combining Excel spreadsheets is a manual process (True or False)

7.) Your application with “all the data” does not provide the answers you need (True or False)

8.) The data is there, you do not understand why there is no way to use (True or False)

If you answered True to any one of these questions you will definitely benefit from the new and emerging Business Intelligence and Analytic tools available for your business and surprisingly at a very affordable price point.