The Sales Success Workshop Series has been revamped.  We listened and heard your training concerns and feedback, Five Opportunities has addressed and overcame the biggest obstacles of sales, business and communications training!  We are excited to inform you of the best kept training secret is available first in Pittsburgh!

Over the upcoming weeks, we will be explaining exactly how Five Opportunities and the Sales Success Workshop Series is the ideal choice for your educational needs.  Here is a glimpse of the ways we are reinventing training and overcoming those traditional education roadblocks.

What WERE the 5 biggest obstacles of training?

1.      Sales training wastoo expensive – Customer feedback and industry research proves that price is the number one deterrent for attending additional training.

So we priced the Sales Success Workshop Series as the most affordable and effective training in Pittsburgh.  Don’t believe us?  Check it out here.

2.      Training was not individualized or customized – One size does not fit all when it comes to sales training.

That’s why the Sales Success Workshop Series allow YOU to choose from our 40+ workshops so YOU can customize a training schedule that will be most effective for YOU, no matter what your experience level or position.

3.       Training was not continual nor consistent Traditional training methods take place in a day, or a week, and once it is completed, that may be the last training you will get for months, maybe even years.

Our 40+ workshops are conducted regularly and spread across 6-month cycles.  The information flow is consistent and steady, which results in higher retention, and more effective and predictive outcomes.
4.      Training was not live and instructor led – Research continues to prove over and over that live, instructor-led training remains the most effective way to deliver quality training.

Live instructor led training is at the core of our Sales Success Workshop Series and our quality instruction and curriculum is how we guarantee our success.

5.       Training only applies to one aspect of business –Sales, business and communications training do not mix.

The beauty of the Five Opportunities Model and Methodology is that it applies to all aspects of your business, your professional, and your personal life. Sales people are not the only ones who can take advantage of sales training. Our attendees have included  sales people, IT professionals, C-level, marketing professionals, small business owners,  consultants, recent college graduates and job seekers.

 We’d like to give you a glimpse into exactly how this was accomplished.  On May 20th we are having an “Intro to Five Opportunities Workshop” that is open and FREE for all to attend.  This workshop will give you a chance to learn about Five Opportunities and how we’ve reinvented sales, business and communications training.  If this is something you are interested in, click here to sign up!

For more information about the Sales Success Workshop Series, or our other offerings, be sure to check out our website or reach out to us directly.  We would love to talk to you about how Five Opportunities has helped people and businesses just like yourself!
