coinsWhy WAS training so expensive?
In last week’s blog, we highlighted the top five objections to sales training, and how Five Opportunities and the Sales Success Workshop Series will change the way you look at sales training.  Without a doubt the most frequent objection we hear regarding sales training is that it is too expensive.  Why is that notion so prevalent, and what have we done to change it?
This is the question we asked ourselves as we developed the Sales Success Workshop Series.  Here are the top three reasons our research revealed to us on “why training has become so expensive.”
1.      The training providers know education is a must for continued success…
…and so does Five Opportunities; that is why we priced our training to be affordable for every organization.
2.      The potential results of increased revenue…
…Five Opportunities developed our curriculum to drive results beyond anyone’s expectations.  That means establishing, growing and maintaining long term revenue streams well into the future can be a reality for any organization.
3.      There are really no other options…
…until Five Opportunities released the Sales Success Workshop Series.  Our 40+ workshops are available and customizable to meet all your training needs and requirements, at a price that everyone can afford.
Simply speaking, sales training WAS too expensive, so we made it affordable.  We looked at the bigger picture, and realized that the initial investment for sales training is often too high for many business in the SMB market.  We set out to empower as many people as possible, which means the Sales Success Workshop Series needed to be effective and affordable.  We’ve taken a methodology and business model that has been developed and sharpened for over 30 years and expend that knowledge to you. 
For Next week’s blog topic, we will be prove how the Sales Success Workshop Series can be customized and individualized to meet your every need! If you would like additional information regarding this training breakthrough, contact us today at 724-313-6777 or 
Come check out the Intro to Five Opportunities Workshop on May 21 to get a first-hand idea of how we can help you uncover more opportunities!