Five Days to Better Sales Forecasting Email based Mini-workshop


We are looking for some willing participants to help test a new email based sales mini-workshop series leveraging marketing automation software.
At the conclusion of the exercise we will provide to all the participants a summary of the results relating to the experience, overall interaction and effectiveness of the marketing automation software, and any other interesting tidbits that rise to the surface.
This particular workshop is about becoming a better sales forecaster and takes only five minutes a day for five days and is delivered directly to your email inbox.   Feel free to share it with your colleagues or your sales team.
There are many of us out there that will benefit from marketing automation software and we thought a good exercise to directly participate in and experience might be very useful and informative for everyone involved.
Again, there is a survey at the end of the workshop and we would appreciate any sort of feedback.  Thank you and Happy Selling!


Follow this link for the Five Days to Better Sales Forecasting Mini-workshop