Why are We Working so Hard for Our Data?

The biggest question that we tend to ask customers when inquiring about their data is “What are you doing with your data?”  Perhaps the opposite should be asked to discover some of the endless possibilities of what we CAN DO with our data.  We should not be limited by our data; our data should unlock unlimited potential for our business if we take advantage of it correctly.

There are some obstacles that we have to maneuver through to access the data, right?  If we access the data and it is not what we thought we needed, we spend more time, or have someone else spend their time, gathering the correct data.  In turn, more time is wasted and therefore, more money wasted.  At this point, we have not even started to analyze the data, which likely leads to a group meeting to see what is working for us, what can change, and what direction we need to go in.  These meetings should not happen often as it is very time consuming, where time could be better spent on other aspects of our business.

We do not need to be wasting our time with the menial tasks before a meeting to analyze our business.  It should be immediate.  What could we do with the time we spend gathering data, analyzing it, creating charts and graphs, and preparing them for a meeting or presentation?  Could you close another account opportunity?  If we were able to finish these presentations at work, would it mean more time with our family and friends?  The point is, the way that we are going about getting our data now is ineffective, especially in today’s ever-changing market.

The good news?  There is a better way.  The nightmare that we live through week after week, month after month, can actually be solved.  Connecting to different data sources, being able to analyze them, and emailing them off to our colleagues can be so much easier.  With a simple drag and drop, we can begin to see our data in charts and graphs immediately, and compare them to other sets in both an aesthetic and powerful way.  New Business Intelligence and Analytics tools let us do just that.  So let’s quit working for our data, and let our data start working for us.

Contact Five Opportunities today and let us show you how easy it is to access and analyze all your data together, the way you want it, whenever you need it.