Hard Questions on Long Term Revenue Growth

During a personal brainstorming exercise, I came up with this list of questions around long term business growth.  The more questions I posed, the more insightful and helpful they became.  We all understand the importance and overall value of long term revenue and growth, but how many of us face the reality head-on.  Sometimes acknowledging the obvious, helps us see more clearly.I wanted to share this helpful exercise for an eye-opening view into your long term revenue growth efforts.
Everyone desires long term revenue growth, but how many are really committed?  Establishing, building and maintaining long term revenue is one of the natural and organic results of the Five Opportunities model and methodology. Scroll through the following 33 questions and see how many have solid answers, how many need answers and your next steps to ensure the correct answers.

The Hard Questions Around Long Term Revenue Growth
1. Do you have a long term growth plan or direction?
2. How do you know your long term growth efforts will succeed?
3. What actions are you taking today to drive long term growth?
4. What future steps are you taking to drive long term growth?
5. Are you doing what needs to be done to drive your long term growth?
6. Do you know for a fact that your long term growth efforts are being properly executed?
7. Is your entire company on board with the long term growth plan?
8. What steps have you committed to long term growth?
9. What actions have you committed to long term growth?
10. What resources have you committed to long term growth?
11. What pointed actions are you “really” doing to grow your long term business?
12. What are you “saying” you are doing to drive long term growth, and are you truly executing?
13. Are you realizing results from your long term growth efforts?
14. How confident are you in your long term growth plan?
15. What is your confidence level that your sales team will meet or exceed their goals?
16. What aspect of your business is driving your long term growth?
17. Who within your business are the contributing employees to your long term growth?
18. Who are the individuals that really care about long term business growth?
19. What are the contributing factors to your long term growth?
20. What is happening today that is effecting your long term growth?
21. What could you be doing more of, to establish and drive long term growth?
22. What is the one thing you “could do” to ensure long term growth?
23. What is the one thing you “are doing” to ensure long term growth?
24. What is one thing you “should be doing that you are not,” to ensure long term growth?
25. What is the “number one” thing that should be done to guarantee your long term business growth?
26. What does your business place at the top of the priority list to ensure long term business growth?
27. What will you place at the top of your priority list to ensure long term business growth?
28. What would you personally place at the top of a priority list to guarantee long term business growth?
29. What is the most important factor(s) to ensure long term business growth?
30. What do you personally feel are the most important factors to ensure long term business growth?
31. What action do you personally take to establish and ensure long term business growth and success?
32. Are you confident you will meet and exceed your revenue goals this year?
33. What is the connection of your short term goals to your long term success?


Five Opportunities is a next generation business model, ideal for today’s modern world. Through our methodology we help organizations and individuals successfully navigate and pursue their future. Five Opportunities is all about identifying, generating and leveraging multiple opportunities to meet your business and personal goals.  We excel at connecting business, technology and people. Every company has something to sell, every organization requires technology, and people are the catalyst that bind it all together.  Five Opportunities is all about your future. For more information about Five Opportunities LLC and our products and solutions please visit www.fiveopportunities.comor contact us at info@fiveopportunities.com.