Everywhere you look, there is an opportunity. That’s one of our mottos here at Five Opportunities. Think about it, life is all about the opportunities. So does Five Opportunities tie into life and not just business? Absolutely.
A good example of this is a person who is just graduating college and looking to start their career. Sure, it’s about finding the short-term opportunity, but what about long-term? Why not think far into the future and think about where you want to be in twenty years? That’s the beauty of the Five Opportunities way of thinking. You have immediate, short-term, long-term, magic wand, and identified opportunities. Coming right out of college you are searching for that short-term need, which could be a job or an apartment. But long term, it could be having an established career while living in a nice house. It could be relationships with family and friends. It could be having a family of your own. So why not think long term and start working towards your goals?
Apply the Five Opportunities model to your life today. Yes, it’s a business methodology, but it’s also a methodology for life.