Keeping a Positive Outlook in a Stressful World.

For how complex computers have become, we forget how simple they really are. When you look at the basics of the computer it is all about a little electronic gate being open or closed or a binary code of either one or zero. It is the combinations of many of these groupings that provide us with the results we experience daily on our electronic devices.

This same concept can be applied to our personal and professional lives. Keeping a positive outlook in a stressful world can just be a matter of on-or-off , a one-or- zero, or a positive or negative thought process.

Below are a few diagrams and cranial exercises that should help us put a more positive spin on many different situations, both business and personal and help us keep a positive outlook in a stressful world.

Your One Constant is “TODAY.”

Here are the basics of using this diagram. Your one constant is “Today.” Everything is either one direction or the other from “Today.” On or off, plus or minus, zero or one.

Where Will You Place Your Focus?

Examine the parallels of the diagram below.

The future is on the positive side of “Today” and the past is on the negative side of “Today.”

Leave Negative thoughts in the past and focus on Positive thoughts into the future.

Yesterday is in the past of “Today” and tomorrow is in the future of “Today.”

The word “yes,” is positive and “no” is on the negative side of “Today.”

The response “can’t do” is negative and “can do” is a positive thought for tomorrow.

Moving backward vs. moving forward.

I think you can see the pattern forming.

Examining Your Feelings towards the Past and the Future.

Review the next diagram and read each set of columns. First the left side then the right side.

How does it make you feel?

Now begin with the first word in each column and compare each one-to-one; Negative to positive, past to future and so on and so forth.

And now, how do you feel?

If you are like most of us, the right side or positive side of the timeline is where we want to stay focused.

Think about your own personal and business opinions and how you view them, and place them in the appropriate spot in the timeline.

It is amazing how a simple exercise can bring items to the surface that was right in front of us all along.

Transition to the Plus Side of Your Personal Timeline.

Here is one way that might help you transition to the plus side of your personal timeline.

When you are presented with a problem, challenge yourself and understand why the world may want you to think you “can’t do it.” Leverage that energy to focus on how you “can do it!”

I understand why I can’t; now tell me how I can.

Make the shift from looking to the negative and why a problem can’t be solved, to the positive side of the timeline. Focus on how the problem can be solved.

Examine the timeline from a business standpoint, and in particular, driving your business.

What projects and opportunities are you targeting?

Where do they fall on the timeline?

Where are you focusing the majority of your efforts?

Run through the same comparison exercise for these statements.

Start Today and Take Control of Your Tomorrow.

Do you focus on the past or strive to the future?

Are the actions you are taking to succeed based on why you can’t do something, or how you can do it?

It takes almost nothing to start today, to take control of your tomorrow.

Set a goal and take steps every day to accomplish that goal.

Even those who are “successful overnight” had a journey that led up to that evening before their lives changed.

Focus on how “you can do it” and “you will do it!”

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