Should the Electronic age be added to the archaeologies three-age system to become the four-age?

Answer me this, “What is the most important tool that you own today?” 

Doing a little research on the word “transition” brought to mind the evolution between archaeological ages and more so my clamoring for years that the Electronic Age should be added to the list.  What I did not remember from my impressionable years that it was called the three-age system.

Wikipedia states the traditional three-age system in archaeology and physical anthropology is the periodization of human prehistory into three consecutive time periods, named for their respective tool-making technologies:

1.       The Stone Age
2.       The Bronze Age
3.       The Iron Age


I say there needs to be a fourth added to the list, the electronic age.  I am specifically addressing the tool-making reference from the Wikipedia definition for classifying an age in history.  Again, answer me this, “What is the most important tool that you own today?”  I would venture to say it is one of your electronic devices, hence my vote for the electronic age becoming the fourth age.


The new four-stage system in archaeology




1.       The Stone Age
2.       The Bronze Age
3.       The Iron Age
4.       The Electronic Age
Long live the Electronic age!