This is a great exercise to define which areas of your business might require a more forward thinking action plan. Be brutally truthful and honest when evaluating each point.

  1. Is your general organizational focus on “How you have done things in the past” or “What will you do moving forward?”
  2. Beyond a web site and social media presence, “Do you have defined initiatives that are leveraging technology and data to establish and drive long term revenue?”
  3. Is “every employee” accountable, actionable, responsible and empowered towards driving recognizable revenue through to the bottom line?
  4. Have you aligned your identified future products and solutions with a sales and marketing model that will support them moving forward?
  5. Is your organization’s culture balance weighted on the side of tenured employees or the next generation workforce?

The business world is moving at a pace never experienced before in history and the way we did things in the past are not going to work in the future.  If your answers favored the past, a no, or you were not quite sure, then it may be time to consider transitioning your business with an eye towards the future.
